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verbose: bool=False
) -> Dict[str, Any]


Returns a dictionary that summarizes the essential information of a Table object, depending on its type. The dictionary contains the following common keys:

  • name: The name of the Table object.
  • created_at: The timestamp indicating when the Table object was created.
  • updated_at: The timestamp indicating when the Table object was last updated.
  • status: The status of the Table object.
  • catalog_name: The catalog name of the Table object.
  • column_count: The count of columns in the Table object.
  • record_creation_timestamp_column: The name of the column in the Table object that represents the timestamp for record creation.
  • entities: Details of the entities represented in the Table object.
  • table_details: Details of the source table the Table object is connected to.
  • columns_info: List of specifications for the columns in the Table object.

Additional keys are provided for each specific type of Table object:

For a DimensionTable object:

  • dimension_id_column: The primary key of the dimension table.

For an SCDTable object:

  • natural_key_column: The name of the natural key of the SCD table.
  • effective_timestamp_column: The name of the column representing the effective timestamp.
  • surrogate_key_column: The name of the surrogate key.
  • end_timestamp_column: The name of the column representing the end (or expiration) timestamp.
  • current_flag_column: The name of the column representing the current flag.

For an EventTable object:

  • event_timestamp_column: The name of the column representing the event timestamp.
  • event_id_column: The name of the column representing the event key.
  • default_feature_job_setting: The default FeatureJob setting.

For an ItemTable object:

  • event_id_column: The name of the column representing the event key.
  • item_id_column: The name of the column representing the item key.
  • event_table_name: The name of the EventTable object that the ItemTable is associated with.


  • verbose: bool
    default: False
    Controls whether the summary should include information for each column in the table.


  • Dict[str, Any]
    Key-value mapping of properties of the object.