8. Discover and Create Features with FeatureByte Copilot
FeatureByte offers two primary methods for feature creation:
- Manually: Utilize the SDK declarative framework
- Automatically: Employ FeatureByte Copilot
In this tutorial, we'll focus on automatic feature creation using FeatureByte Copilot.
If you want to learn how to manually create features, please consult our SDK tutorials.
Step 1: Select Your Use Case¶
Navigate to Feature Ideation from the Create section of the menu.
Choose the use case: "In-Store Prediction of Customer Spending on a given Product Group next 2 Weeks".
Step 2: Run Semantics Detection¶
Click "Run Semantics Detection" to let FeatureByte identify and tag relevant tables and data columns.
If the columns aren’t tagged correctly, check the suggested tags and make adjustments.
The accuracy of suggestions improves with more detailed data descriptions. Refer to our tutorial "Add descriptions and Tag Semantics" to update table and columns descriptions.
Step 3: Initiate Feature Ideation¶
Start the Feature Ideation process by clicking "Start Feature Ideation".
Step 4: Evaluate Feature Engineering Strategy¶
Review Copilot’s data aggregation and filtering suggestions.
Not all use cases require filtering. In some scenarios, like the one in this example, filtering might be unnecessary.
Filtering becomes relevant when specific types of columns, such as "event type" and "event status," are present. For instance, in Credit Card Transactions, you might encounter columns indicating transaction type (e.g., "Purchase", "Cash Advance", "Reversal", ...) and transaction status (e.g., "Authorized", "Rejected", "Cancelled"). In such cases, Generative AI will recommend filters that are pertinent to the specific use case.
Optionally, choose an Observation Table for better data evaluation.
Step 5: Get Automated Feature Suggestions¶
Click "Start" to initiate the feature search.
Review the suggested features. New features are marked as "New" in the "Readiness" column.
Step 6: Evaluate and Add Features to Catalog¶
Filter and select features by their relevance score (e.g., score equal to 9) from Generative AI.
Save your chosen features as a feature list.
The features are then automatically saved as "Draft" as shown in the "Readiness" column.
Reset filter.
Explore features by signal type, like "diversity".
Step 7: Review specific feature details¶
Examine specific feature details and download its notebook for further evaluation.
Run the feature's notebook to add it to the Catalog.
Step 8: Add Multiple Features¶
To add a large number of features simultaneously:
- Clear any previous selection: Click the red cross left to the count of features selected.
- Filtering: Choose features by a certain criterion (e.g., relevance score of 8).
- Display Settings: Increase the number of rows per page (e.g., to 100).
- Selection: Pick features across multiple pages to add to the Catalog.
Starting a New Feature Ideation¶
To explore adjusted semantics, windows, or filters:
- Click "New Feature Ideation" to begin a fresh ideation process.