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2. Register tables

Our catalog is created and we can start registering tables in it.

Step 1: Select Data

We'll utilize the four tables of our Grocery Datasets:

Table Description
GROCERYINVOICE Grocery invoice details, containing the timestamp and the total amount of the invoice
INVOICEITEMS The grocery product item details within each invoice, including the quantity, total cost, discount applied, and product ID
GROCERYCUSTOMER Customer details, including their name, address, and date of birth
GROCERYPRODUCT The product group description for each grocery product

Step 2: Locate Your data

From the menu, go to the Explore section and access the source tables.

You will find the four tables under the "DEMO_DATASETS" database and the "GROCERY" schema.


Step 3: Understand Table Types

For accurate feature derivation, FeatureByte needs to understand the 'roles' of the various tables.

Identify each table's type:

Step 4: Register the GROCERYINVOICE table as an Event Table

1. Select the Table

  • Choose the GROCERYINVOICE table.
  • Click on "Register New Table".


2. Define the table type.

Select 'event table'.

3. Identify its key columns

4. Assign the name 'GROCERYINVOICE' to the table

5. Set Up Default Feature Job

  • For consistent data handling in event tables, establish a default feature job setting.
  • Click 'autofill recommended settings' to analyze the data availability in the source table.
  • Once analysis is complete, settings are automatically filled.
  • Optionally, download the analysis report.

6. Finalize Registration

Confirm your settings and complete the process by clicking "Register Table".

Register Tables

Step 4: Register the INVOICEITEMS table as an Item Table

1. Select the Table

  • Choose the INVOICEITEMS table.
  • Click on "Register New Table".


2. Define the table type.

Select 'item table'.

3. Identify the Event Table it is associated with


4. Identify its key columns

5. Assign the name 'INVOICEITEMS' to the table

6. Finalize Registration

Confirm your settings and complete the process by clicking "Register Table".

Register Tables

Step 5: Register the GROCERYCUSTOMER table as a SCD Table

1. Select the Table

  • Choose the GROCERYCUSTOMER table.
  • Click on "Register New Table".


2. Define the table type.

Select 'scd table'.

3. Identify its key columns

4. Assign the name 'GROCERYCUSTOMER' to the table

5. Finalize Registration

Confirm your settings and complete the process by clicking "Register Table".

Register Tables

Step 6: Register the GROCERYPRODUCT table

1. Select the Table

  • Choose the GROCERYPRODUCT table.
  • Click on "Register New Table".


2. Define the table type.

Select 'dimension table'.

3. Identify its key columns

4. Assign the name 'GROCERYPRODUCT' to the table

5. Finalize Registration

Confirm your settings and complete the process by clicking "Register Table".

Register Tables

Step 7: Review Registered Tables

Verify the registration by checking the Table Catalog under the 'Explore' section.

Table Description