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9. Create New Feature List

In the previous tutorials, you successfully created four feature lists, which are now available in the Catalog.

In this tutorial, you will create a new feature list by:

  • Combining two existing feature lists
  • Adding individual features from the Feature Catalog to address missing themes

Step 1: Review Existing Feature Lists

  1. Navigate to the Feature List catalog under the 'Experiment' section of the menu. Confirm that the four features lists you previously created are listed in the Catalog. Name

  2. Click on the GenAI-based feature list containing 20 features. Name

  3. Go to the 'Features' tab to examine the features in the list. Name

  4. Navigate to the 'Themes' tab to examine signal types missing from the feature list. Once you’re done, close the window. Name

Step 2: Combine Two Feature Lists

In this step, you will combine the GenAI and Rule-based feature lists.

  1. Add the Rule-based features to the Feature List Builder by clicking Plus Button. Name

  2. Similarly, add the GenAI features by clicking Plus Button. Name

Step 3: Add Individual Features

Now, you will review missing themes, add top features from these themes, and save the Feature List.

  1. Review the Builder's suggestions by clicking Theme Suggestions in the Suggestion section section at the bottom of the Feature List Builder. Name

  2. Click Show Features for the Customer/InvoiceItems/Stability theme to explore features associated with this theme. Select the feature with the highest Predictive Score (e.g., CUSTOMER_Consistency_of_Count_of_items_by_product_ProductGroup_2w_vs_5w). Name

  3. Update the Builder's suggestions by clicking Theme Suggestions. Name

  4. Click on Show Features Customer/GroceryInvoice/Latest_Event theme to explore features associated with this theme. Select CUSTOMER_Latest_INVOICE_items_TotalCosts_by_product_ProductGroup. Name

  5. Review the Feature List by clicking Name and save it by clicking Save List Button Name

  6. Confirm the new Feature List is part of the Catalog. Name