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cleaning_operations: List[Union[MissingValueImputation, DisguisedValueImputation, UnexpectedValueImputation, ValueBeyondEndpointImputation, StringValueImputation, AddTimestampSchema]]


Associates metadata with the column such as default cleaning operations that automatically apply when views are created from a table. These operations help ensure data consistency and accuracy.

For a specific column, define a sequence of cleaning operations to be executed in order. Ensure that values imputed in earlier steps are not marked for cleaning in subsequent operations.

To set default cleaning operations for a column, use the following class objects in a list:

  • MissingValueImputation: Imputes missing values.
  • DisguisedValueImputation: Imputes disguised values from a list.
  • UnexpectedValueImputation: Imputes unexpected values not found in a given list.
  • ValueBeyondEndpointImputation: Imputes numeric or date values outside specified boundaries.
  • StringValueImputation: Imputes string values.
  • AddTimestampSchema: Adds timestamp related metadata to a column.

If the imputed_value parameter is None, the values to impute are replaced with missing values and the corresponding rows are ignored during aggregation operations.


  • cleaning_operations: List[Union[MissingValueImputation, DisguisedValueImputation, UnexpectedValueImputation, ValueBeyondEndpointImputation, StringValueImputation, AddTimestampSchema]]
    List of cleaning operations to be applied on the column.


Add missing value imputation & negative value imputation operations to a table column.

>>> event_table = catalog.get_table("GROCERYINVOICE")
>>> event_table["Amount"].update_critical_data_info(
...     cleaning_operations=[
...         fb.MissingValueImputation(imputed_value=0),
...         fb.ValueBeyondEndpointImputation(
...             type="less_than", end_point=0, imputed_value=0
...         ),
...     ]
... )
Show column cleaning operations of the event table.

>>> event_table.column_cleaning_operations
[ColumnCleaningOperation(column_name='Amount', cleaning_operations=[MissingValueImputation(imputed_value=0.0),
ValueBeyondEndpointImputation(type=less_than, imputed_value=0.0, end_point=0.0)])]
Remove cleaning operations and show the column cleaning operations of the event table.

>>> event_table["Amount"].update_critical_data_info(cleaning_operations=[])
>>> event_table.column_cleaning_operations

See Also