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class CronFeatureJobSetting(
crontab: Union[str, Crontab],
timezone: TimeZoneName="Etc/UTC",
reference_timezone: Optional[TimeZoneName]=None,
blind_spot: Optional[str]=None


CronFeatureJobSetting class is used to declare a cron-based Feature Job Setting.


  • crontab: Union[str, Crontab]
    The cron schedule for the feature job. It can be provided either as a string in cron format (e.g., "10 * * * ") or as a Crontab object with detailed scheduling parameters.

    Cron String Format: A standard cron string consists of five fields separated by spaces, representing different units of time. The format is as follows:

    ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
    │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
    │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
    │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12)
    │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday)
    │ │ │ │ │
    │ │ │ │ │
    * * * *

    Field Descriptions:
    - Minute (0-59): Specifies the exact minute when the job should run.
    - Example: 10 means the job runs at the 10th minute of the hour.
    - Special Characters:
    - * : Every minute.
    - */5 : Every 5 minutes.
    - 10,20,30 : At minutes 10, 20, and 30.
    - Hour (0-23): Specifies the exact hour when the job should run.
    - Example: * means the job runs every hour.
    - Special Characters:
    - * : Every hour.
    - */2 : Every 2 hours.
    - 0,12 : At midnight and noon.
    - Day of Month (1-31): Specifies the exact day of the month when the job should run.
    - Example: * means the job runs every day of the month.
    - Special Characters:
    - * : Every day.
    - 1-15 : From the 1st to the 15th day of the month.
    - 10,20,30 : On the 10th, 20th, and 30th day.
    - Month (1-12): Specifies the exact month when the job should run.
    - Example: * means the job runs every month.
    - Special Characters:
    - * : Every month.
    - 1,6,12 : In January, June, and December.
    - Day of Week (0-6): Specifies the exact day of the week when the job should run. (0 represents Sunday)
    - Example: * means the job runs every day of the week.
    - Special Characters:
    - * : Every day.
    - 1-5 : From Monday to Friday.
    - 0,6 : On Sunday and Saturday.
    Examples of Valid Cron Strings:
    - "10 * * * *": Runs at the 10th minute of every hour.
    - "0 0 * * *": Runs daily at midnight.
    - "30 14 1 * *": Runs at 2:30 PM on the first day of every month.
    - "15 10 * * 1-5": Runs at 10:15 AM every weekday (Monday to Friday).
    - "*/5 * * * *": Runs every 5 minutes.

  • timezone: TimeZoneName
    default: "Etc/UTC"
    The timezone for the cron schedule. It determines the local time at which the feature job should execute. The time zones are defined by the International Time Zone Database (commonly known as the IANA Time Zone Database or tz database).

  • reference_timezone: Optional[TimeZoneName]
    Time zone used to define calendar-based aggregation periods (e.g., daily, weekly, or monthly). This reference time zone ensures consistency when calculating calendar periods across different data time zones. If not provided, the timezone parameter is used as the reference timezone. The time zones are defined by the International Time Zone Database (commonly known as the IANA Time Zone Database or tz database).

  • blind_spot: Optional[str]


Consider a case study where a data warehouse refreshes each hour. The data refresh starts 10 seconds after the hour based on the UTC timezone.

>>> feature_job_setting = fb.CronFeatureJobSetting(
...     crontab="10 * * * *",
...     timezone="Etc/UTC",
... )

See Also